Fall Harvest Preschool Theme: October 19-25

fallMath: We’ll probably do some of this again, since he LOVED it so much. We will also be practicing patterns with cut out black and orange pumpkins.  This Maze.

Reading: Short “u” on Starfall, Fall Rhymes, Autumn Poems

Science: Leaf Rubbings, Fall Sorting

Music: The Leaves are Falling Down, We will be listening to a lot of Putumayo Radio on Pandora this week, too – it’s perfect for staying inside and chillin out.

Art:  Scarecrow TP Craft, Computer Paint Activities (Sam LOVES these!). We’re also going to cut the center out of a paper plate and glue fallen leaves to make a wreath.

Cooking: Zucchini Bread and Pumpkin Pancakes!

Books: Have any suggestions?

Bible Verse: Isaiah 43:5 – Do not be afraid for I am with you.

Field Trip: Pumpkin Patch/Apple Picking with the family! Hopefully we’ll find a cornmaze and maybe even a haunted house as well! We will also be going on a fall leaf hunting walk.

Hope you have a fun week! Let me know if you have any other fun ideas or activities!

BATS! Preschool Theme: October 12-18

So I’m finally back to a place where I can do lesson plans for Sam and I during the day. It does get to be a bit much cooking, cleaning, working nights – all I want to do when I get home is sleep. It is important to do these lessons plans, though, since we can’t afford preschool for Sam and I OBVIOUSLY can’t just have a relaxed learning atmosphere – I just won’t do it if it’s not planned out. And I realized that he’s more than half way to four and he can’t write or read more than three or four words. It is up to me to get this started. I’m just SO EXHAUSTED.

Just to give you an overhead of what these next weeks up until Halloween will look like:

October 12-18: BATS!

October 19-25: Fall Harvest

October 26- November 1: Halloween

For this week on my “Must Do – To Do” list are:

Alternate Sam’s Halloween costume. Make my cousin who has moved here from California and is now staying with us a cake for his birthday. Mail out birthday cards. Clean basement for an all-night gaming party to raise money for children’s cancer research – this includes a LOT of work. Mentally map out ways to decorate the living room to match our colorful style. Call our old landlord to get our security deposit – FROM JULY (how do we find these people?)

Moving on…


Math : Shape Order How a Pumpkin Grows sequence cards,  Bat and Haunted House Maze

Reading: Echo the BatBat rebus rhyme

Science: Label the parts to a bat (this is certainly something we will be doing TOGETHER and is not a learning tool, but a learning how to learn tool.

Music: “Bats are Sleeping” and “Bat Song”


Cooking: Chocolate rice cakes w/ peanut butter cut into the shape of a bat. Sam will be spreading the peanut butter.

Books: Bat’s Hat and Stellaluna

Bible Verse: Proverbs 6:20 “My friend, remember your father’s good advice and remember the things your mother taught you.”

Field Trip: Children’s Museum before that membership is expired!

Have ideas for BATS! Week? I would really love to hear them! Please share! And thank you all again for stopping by and continuing to share – even if it has been a long time since I’ve posted anything!

Special Earth Day Online Activity

We visited Starfall today and found the best accompaniment to our activity for today. It’s just perfect – this is exactly what we’ll be doing. What a great way to prepare. Earth Day Starfall Activity

Happy Earth Day, everyone!

Earth Day Preschool Theme: April 19-25

earthdayHappy Earth Week!!! Here’s what Sam and I will be doing this week.

Monday Math Day: Puzzles, Printable Matching Page, Maze

Tuesday Reading Day: Earth Day Make-a-Book, God Made Trees rhyme, “Trees” poem.

Wednesday Science Day (Earth Day): Special Project – Go on a hike and pick up litter around the area, explain Earth Day. I found a special mini potter and tree seed in the Target bargain aisle and we will plant that and explain how trees help our world be a healthy place.

Thursday Music Day: “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands”, Recycled kazoo, Recycling Song and Litter Bugs

Friday Art Day:Make Nature Bracelets (idea found at Everything Preschool): Attach tape wrong side out around your child’s wrist and on a nature walk have them attach things like leaves, rocks, pine needles, etc. When they get home you have a nice “Nature Bracelet”; Coloring page of Earth.

Happy Earth Week, everyone! Hope you have a great week. Any great ideas you’d like to share?

St. Patrick’s Day Theme

st_patricks_day_8I’m sorry the theme for this week hasn’t been posted yet! (My goal for this is tomorrow.) However, I did want to share with you Sam’s plan for St. Patrick’s Day before the day had passed.

For a snack we’re going to make sugar cookies with green sprinkles on top. For crafts we will be doing this and this. We also have a project for our felt board that we’ll play with tomorrow. It was found here and Sam LOVES it. I have him finish the rhyme with each number as he puts the new shamrock on the board.

And that’s about it. I had planned on picking up some roast beef for a traditional meal tonight after work, but the grocery store was out. Instead I’ll be making this – I bet it’s even more authentic, anyway! 🙂
